Class AbstractDoclet

  extended by com.sun.javadoc.Doclet
      extended by net.sf.fikin.doclets.AbstractDoclet
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractDoclet
extends com.sun.javadoc.Doclet

Base class for all specific purpose Doclets

It was designed in order to help develop on top of original Sun's design

It does following thinks:

Eamples: A minimalistic custom doclet

      public class TestDoclet extends AbstractDoclet {
          // set the singleton to this one
          static {
              setSingleton( new TestDoclet() );
          public TestDoclet() {
              // add here your own Doclet options
              docletOptions.addOption( "file",true,"destination file to be generated");
          // following you have to do because static methods does not have inheritance
          public static int optionLength(String option) {
              return AbstractDoclet.optionLength( option );
          // implement commandline options validation
          // to ensure mandatory options have been specified
          protected boolean validateOptionsCustom() {
              if ( ! parsedDocletOptions.hasOption( "template" ) ) {
                  return false;
          // implement your actual doclet logic
          protected boolean startCustom(RootDoc root) {
created on Aug 9, 2006

$Revision: 1.7 $

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.commons.cli.Options docletOptions
          supported doclet options, subclasses are supposed to add their specific options (if any)
protected  org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine parsedDocletOptions
          parsed doclet options passed to the doclet
protected static AbstractDoclet singleton
          singleton instance of this doclet, all static calls are delegated to this one object subclasses are responsible to assign a valid instance during construction time
Constructor Summary
          define Doclet's common options
Method Summary
static int optionLength(java.lang.String option)
          determine supported options length by delegating it to prototypedOptionLength(String) Expects the singleton to be assigned already.
protected  boolean parseOptions(java.lang.String[][] options)
          parse dolet's parameters parsing is based on Apache's Commons CLI BasicParser and uses the options defined in docletOptions.
protected  void printUsage(com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
          print javadoc usage, in this case it is predefined -d and -f options
 int prototypedOptionLength(java.lang.String option)
          prototype method test the given option's length against options defined by docletOptions
 boolean prototypedStart(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
          prototype method parses the options via parseOptions(String[][]) and if that part is ok then validates them via validateOptionsCustom() and if that also part is ok then executes startCustom(RootDoc)
 boolean prototypedValidOptions(java.lang.String[][] options, com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
          prototype method.
protected static void setSingleton(AbstractDoclet doclet)
          assign the singleton refernce to given doclet object this is method is to be called by the subclass "static" constructor
static boolean start(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
          Generate output file by delegating it to prototypedStart(RootDoc) Expects the singleton to be assigned already.
protected abstract  boolean startCustom(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
          subclass specific method provides actual doclet's business logic once actual start(RootDoc) logic only instance dependant to be implented by the subclass
protected abstract  boolean validateOptionsCustom()
          subclass specific method provides with subclass secific validation for command line options (common ones have been taken care by AbstractDoclet already) check that parsedDocletOptions are valid i.e.
static boolean validOptions(java.lang.String[][] options, com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
          validate options by delegating it to prototypedValidOptions(String[][],DocErrorReporter) Expects the singleton to be assigned already.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.javadoc.Doclet
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected org.apache.commons.cli.Options docletOptions
supported doclet options, subclasses are supposed to add their specific options (if any)


protected org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine parsedDocletOptions
parsed doclet options passed to the doclet


protected static AbstractDoclet singleton
singleton instance of this doclet, all static calls are delegated to this one object subclasses are responsible to assign a valid instance during construction time

Constructor Detail


public AbstractDoclet()
define Doclet's common options

Method Detail


public static boolean start(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
Generate output file by delegating it to prototypedStart(RootDoc) Expects the singleton to be assigned already.

true on success.


public static boolean validOptions(java.lang.String[][] options,
                                   com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
validate options by delegating it to prototypedValidOptions(String[][],DocErrorReporter) Expects the singleton to be assigned already.


public static int optionLength(java.lang.String option)
determine supported options length by delegating it to prototypedOptionLength(String) Expects the singleton to be assigned already.


public boolean prototypedStart(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
prototype method parses the options via parseOptions(String[][]) and if that part is ok then validates them via validateOptionsCustom() and if that also part is ok then executes startCustom(RootDoc)

true if all thse checks when fine, otherwise false


public int prototypedOptionLength(java.lang.String option)
prototype method test the given option's length against options defined by docletOptions

option - to check
option's length if exists, or 0 if option does not exists


public boolean prototypedValidOptions(java.lang.String[][] options,
                                      com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
prototype method. parses the options via parseOptions(String[][]) and if that part is ok then validates them via validateOptionsCustom(). prints usage via printUsage(DocErrorReporter) if some of the checks failed.

true if the two checks when fine, otherwise false


protected static void setSingleton(AbstractDoclet doclet)
assign the singleton refernce to given doclet object this is method is to be called by the subclass "static" constructor

doclet - is an instance of the concrete subclass


protected boolean parseOptions(java.lang.String[][] options)
parse dolet's parameters parsing is based on Apache's Commons CLI BasicParser and uses the options defined in docletOptions.

options -
true if given option is recognied, false in case options are empty or not recognized


protected void printUsage(com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
print javadoc usage, in this case it is predefined -d and -f options


protected abstract boolean startCustom(com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc root)
subclass specific method provides actual doclet's business logic once actual start(RootDoc) logic only instance dependant to be implented by the subclass

root -
true if parsing was successfull, otherwise false


protected abstract boolean validateOptionsCustom()
subclass specific method provides with subclass secific validation for command line options (common ones have been taken care by AbstractDoclet already) check that parsedDocletOptions are valid i.e. mandatory options are present and etc.

true if they are ok, otherwise false

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