Uses of Class

Packages that use Parameter
net.sf.fikin.ant Collection of various Apache Ant tasks 
net.sf.fikin.ant.types Collection of various Apache Ant types 

Uses of Parameter in net.sf.fikin.ant

Methods in net.sf.fikin.ant with parameters of type Parameter
 void XsltTask.Factory.addAttribute(Parameter attr)
          Create an instance of a factory attribute.

Uses of Parameter in net.sf.fikin.ant.types

Subclasses of Parameter in net.sf.fikin.ant.types
 class XsltParam
          Adds expression="..." attribute to the standard Parameter type.

Methods in net.sf.fikin.ant.types with parameters of type Parameter
 void FactoryType.addAttibute(Parameter attribute)
          add factory attribute
protected  void XPathFactoryLiaison.setAttribute(java.lang.Object factory, Parameter param)
protected abstract  void FactoryLiaison.setAttribute(java.lang.Object factory, Parameter param)
          set a single attribute to the factory

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